The windows left open downstairs strange sketches of trees and a tall slender figure have been etched into the wall it is here that Lauren also finds a series of mysterious notes each one addressed to kate from an unknown sender. With the signature cr, the first note is handwritten and recalls when cr and kate used to play together as kids he would sneak over to her house in the dead of night. The two would go exploring in the woods together it seems cr snuck out due to an unstable home life however things sound as if they haven't been so great for him in the time since.

With communication between himself and kate dying out for many years what could have caused him to get back in touch the second note addressed to kate comes in email form. This note references Lauren too meaning cr also knew our character and for three are connected this note suggests that kate and cr have been having identical hallucinations. With cr mentioning he is heading to the doctor for a checkup the third note is another letter again from slate kate this one is interesting as it suggests the hallucinations both parties have been suffering from were born from. slender arrival Lauren slender the arrival walkthroughĪ traumatic event that occurred during their adventures in the woods as children an event which neither cates nor cr fully remembers.Īs they both blacked out at the time however these dormant memories have slowly been returning to cr but from his letter, it seems.Īs though he wishes to ignore them leaving the past in the past he suggests kate calls up Lauren to keep her company while she sells the house this advice was taken. The reason Lauren ends up here however it seems we arrived too late as kate is long gone cr also left a voicemail for kate's to take.Ī listen ak cr again I hope everything's okay I know there's been a lot to take in and wrap your head around it'll be good.

Slender: The Arrival is a Adventure, Horror video game. Slender: The Arrival – Full Version – PC Game – Compressed – Free Download